We’ll assist with the search and provide the tours to the corresponding properties that tick all the boxes of each client’s personal needs. Whether it’s an acquisition aimed towards a vacation condo or villa for those quick easy getaways, an income producing rental property or maybe something geared towards retirement needs. Whatever specific investment goals are essential simply be rest assured that you’re in great hands. Don’t take “our” word for it…Take a look at some of the client’s “testimonials”.
Sure you have a budget and boundaries you want to stay within…The only time it will ever be crossed is if YOU, the client needs to see a bit more inventory to completely understand exactly what’s out there. Our goals are listening to each and EVERY one of our clients and providing that one-on-one personal service that’s required and expected to complement each person’s individual needs.
If you’d like to search the Los Cabos MLS on your own and want to start with “CONDOS” or maybe you prefer looking at “HOMES” we made it user friendly with adjustable search parameters so you can see exactly what you may be considering…Let us know if you need any help along the way!
If you have some ideas you’d like to run across with us and would like us to assist in showing you what Cabo Real Estate may just be a nice fit then please, feel free to contact: Bibiana Silva – bibiana@recabo.com or Brandon James Byrne – brandon@recabo.com or visit CONTACT US