Flights from Madrid, Spain to Los Cabos are now available!
Now there’s weekly directly flights between Madrid, Spain and Los Cabos as of October 2022. London has already been a success with Los Cabos and the Los Cabos Tourism Association has already been in [...]
INEGI, announces Los Cabos as one of the 2nd safest cities in Mexico
Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía or (INEGI) has recently announced it’s report on safety perception in the 50 most important cities in Mexico. The end result was that the Los Cabos municipality turned out [...]
Four Los Cabos Hotels ranked at the top of the list in the world
World Reports combined with U.S. statistics have ranked over 35,000 hotels all around the world based on their guest reviews, hotel class ratings and in addition to travel experts and overall reputation. The criteria [...]
Mexico breaks tourism travel record in May 2021
According to a report from the Ministry of the Interior (SEGOB), nearly one million U.S. tourists have visited Mexico in May 2021 which is up over 9% from May 2019 and accounts for the [...]
Tournament Base Entry By paying the mandatory Base Entry Fees, teams receive angler merchandise and access to the Awards Celebration for four team members. Additional merchandise and access passes may be purchased at the [...]
Watch the trailer on a True Based film related to the struggles & triumphs on a local Cabo San Lucas orphanage
Casa Hogar, a local orphanage for boys in Cabo San Lucas was at its breaking point following a major hurricane in 2014. They were allowed to participate in the world’s richest fishing tournament on [...]
U.S. and Mexico reached a staggering $56.9 billion in the month of March 2021
U.S. and Mexico reached a staggering $56.9 billion in the month of March 2021, with the combined import-export figure of commerce which is a figure that was never seen before in any one month [...]
Los Cabos Named The World’s First Health Secure Destination
Los Cabos was named the world’s first VERIFIED travel destination after nearly all of its hotels earned an independent health validation from digital health company Sharecare. The title is the first for the health security of hotels. [...]